Monday, November 3, 2008


Today I vacuumed my living room and was reminded of mowing a lawn, lining up all the mower tracks. I missed mowing the lawn. Hah, this happens to me sometimes when I'm not at home, though when I am at home, I don't mow the lawn as often as I should. Yet when I do, I really enjoy it.

With the room nice and vacuumed, I set up my kotatsu. Oh yes. For those who don't know what one is, it's basically a table with a fan on the bottom that puts out warm air, which is kept in an air socket under the table by long, thick, flowing comforters which fit in the table. Yes, it's amazing. Basically one of Japan's greatest inventions ever, if it was invented here as I thought. Pretty much all the JETs've been setting there's up, so I may be the last one, but last Halloween's movie-candy marathon spent completely under the kotatsu with four other people was...awesome. Plus, I realized I study kanji best when I can write directly on a table, rather than on my lap in bed, so voilah, another reason to set it up. A provider of a flat surface on which to study and the warmth that surrounds my legs while I do it. Speaking of which, I just finished the politics/international relations and disaster/crime sections of my kanji book. Five more sections to go and I'm done. Hurrah.

I'm listening to Billie Holliday now, gift of my sister. This is really nice. The stuff she's singing about and the way she's singing about it must have been so on the edge for the time. Flat out saying she wants a man to make love to her, and saying she's been a slave to her man, all set to a jazz band/orchestra background. Man, this is great. What a voice.

What a choice. I ate the last of my grapefruit today. It was good. I want to eat a ruby one though. It would be nice to have people I really know well close enough to able to be visit them with a phone call and a short drive. Or a bus ride, for that matter. "Short" being the key. Well, I'll keep listening to this music. It's really good.


waldmart789 said...

I just set up my kotatsu as well! .... I also discovered that it doesn't work. CRAP. Well anyway, I guess I'll get it replaced. Problem solved. We should hang out again sometime in the near future.

Carol said...

oh my gosh...i looked up a kotatsu. i need one of those. i have no table and i think it's bad for me to be constantly hunched over on the floor.