I've been meaning to come back here since I first was there briefly at the end of last fall. I'll leave it at that and let you see for yourself.
And we're back home!
I brought my guitar so I could have a good jam on the beach. It was pretty nice, but I was hoping to come up with something a bit more...mind-blowing? In any case, it was nice to sing and play my guitar on that wonderful, cool seaside. I found myself playing a lot of continuous tremelo picking for long periods while singing in high then low ranges over it. Pretty soon I felt like I had done enough of that though, especially considering the last 30-minute behemoth of straight up-down strumming one chord with roaring hums and throat sounds layered over it I did the other week. That was good. Very good. But now, it may be time to move onto something new?
Which leads me to the recent change in the music I've been listening to. I think it started with The Kinks and some of The Rolling Stones. Then, I finally downloaded a ? and the Mysterians album. Then The Plugz. And now, I've dug up Devo and B-52s from the depths of my music library. On the other hand, I also got out some Sonic Youth and Lila Downs recently, too. So...but I suppose you can see in what direction this is going. I remember seeing my parents' B-52s albums when I was a kid and thinking, Wow that's funny-looking, I can't imagine my parents liking something weird like that. I mean, I didn't really get interested in it then. But oh...now I can understand. I feel the connection!
I've actually been wanting to go more in this music direction for a while, but for some reason, momentum has been moving me toward another one of my sides. Well, the top is off now and it won't be coming back on. I have an idea of the kind of music I want to make when I get back home, and it's not like anything I've made this far.
I'd like to go to Tottori again. Los Prisioneros Greatest Hits downloading (wish I could get some of their actual albums though). How does Rock Lobster get so dramatic(-ish)-sounding all of a sudden.
Rock Lobster was the first song I ever got "illegally".....
I was in elementary school.... It played on the radio... and I didn't know what it was but I HAD to listen again and again... so I kept the radio on all the time with only that radio station on with my mom's dictaphone right there ready to record when the song played again...
So I have a scratchy AM radio-to-mini-cassette recording of Rock Lobster somewhere in my bedroom at home.
....Actually I know exactly where it is. It's in the drawer by my bed.
And I just listened to a legitimately purchased version of it in your honor.
Also you weren't talking about THAT Strobe Light, were you?
Man I haven't listened to the B-52s in forever... I'm pretty sure their greatest hits album is been one of the first 5 CDs I ever owned. I'll listen to it all right now in your honor. And theirs.
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