Exhibit One: yolz in the sky http://www.myspace.com/yolzinthesky
Yes, this weekend is Bakuto Osaka, a huge (?) music and arts festival in, yup, Osaka.
Originally, I found out about it because Afrirampo and Oshiripenpenzu are going to play at it. Then, I found out another band that I had just found out about, water fai, was going to play, which made me even more excited. But now...oh my...I have stumbled upon a veritable treasure trove, possibly complete with cute little treasure trolls with pointy colorful hair and jewels on their belly buttons (wasn't there some kind of story about that written on the back of the boxes or something?) (I hope!).
Exhibit Two: http://www.myspace.com/paraofficial
Five stages, two days, live painting by over 12 artists, from 11am to 11pm.
40 dollars if you order tickets ahead of time. And ahead of time means the same day but before you get to the door.
This is going to be AWEsome! I cannot wait. There are going to be like 20 bands at this thing, I cannot believe it! I found out about this just in time! I don't even know what I'm going to do there - wait yeah I do, I don't even know why I thought that, haha. I'm going to listen to a bunch of awesome music and see a bunch of awesome art and eat a bunch of awesome food and talk to a bunch of interesting people (maybe).
Exhibit Three: 1 band boshi crew http://www.myspace.com/1bangboshicrew
Okay...I think I've calmed down from that intense excitement I just had. But those bands, plus another chance to see Afrirampo, oh man.
In other news, I got to school today to hear the head English teacher say, "Aren't you supposed to be at Doudani Elementary School today?" Uh...no? Yes? I don't think so. No that's the tenth, the vice-principal says. The vice-principal calls Doudani. "No way!" Oh...uh-oh. "Remember, I told you yesterday," the other English teacher tells me. Hm...no...I remember this:
I remember getting a fax from Doudani that was almost to light to read and seeing that the date said August 5th, which was confusing because today was September 4th and August 5th was not for a very long time again. Then I remember the English teacher saying, "Hm, that's wierd, I'll call them." Then I remember him coming back later at the end of the day and saying, "The fax...September 5th..." and walking away while I paused in non-comprehension and called after him asking what that even meant. He did not hear me. When I saw him at the very end of the day, he told me to do the same lesson plan I did that day tomorrow in his next class. Okay.
Man, I wish English teachers would stop trying to talk to me in English ALL THE TIME even when it takes them five minutes to get across an idea they could tell me in Japanese and I would understand in five seconds.
It all worked out. I didn't rush or get frazzled, just got to Doudani when I could and things went well. The kids were SUPER cute and I had the most fun and best connection with them that at any of the other schools. These ones actually listened to me the whole time and did not have to be forced as...forcefully...by the teachers to ask me questions. Then I got to see them practice the school song, some song called Genghis Khan, and a version of that song that goes, "I love you baby, and if it's quite alright..."! It was awesome. All done with melodica leads (they were kind of like the elite of the group), mini keyboards that hung off of marching band straps, a marching bass drum, snare, cymbal, and xylophones! Truly cool. Except I was a little freaked out by the intensity with which the teacher repeatedly pointed out in front of the whole class how certain students had not practiced enough over summer break. She asked one boy, who had come only 9 times, why he had not come? what did he think about that? when you don't practice, you pull everyone else down with you, and these students practiced everyday in the summer. even though they sound good when they all play together, do you think it will sound good when everyone plays together? no, no it won't. So they went into the next song. When it ended - what did you think about that? you thought it was okay? no, aren't there any parts you think were off? It was weird to me how the teacher would reach out and pull down a student's arm if he was making mistakes, but maybe I'm just not used to it. End of practice. Now stand and say what you're goal for the semester is. is there anyone who thought this was better than before the summer? the same? worse? no, of course it wouldn't be worse...but do you think you'll be ready for the performance? we still have to learn the steps in the march? how can you learn that when you haven't learned the song? you have to practice harder.
Not that I'm trying to be negative about it; it was just a lot different from what I'd experienced in schools before, mostly in the tone of the voice and the willingness to single out students and praise them or chastise them in front of everyone. Another way of doing things, I suppose. I'm sure I'll encounter it many, many more times, so hopefully I be able to learn more about it.
In other news, I've been listening to a lot of Beirut and The Fiery Furnaces. I love singing along with Beirut songs, especially after semi-learning how to sing with mariachi. Zach Cordon (?), the guy from Beirut,'s voice is like in the exact same key or whatever as mine is or something, because singing those songs just comes so easily. I love it. And The Fiery Furnaces. I got into them because my sister had one of their albums and was listening to it a lot this summer, when we went to New Mexico and then on our L.A. travels. Good songs - "Benton Harbor Blues," "Nevers," and "Police Sweater Blood Vow," and all the other songs on the album. Bitter Tea.
hmm kind of retracted from that when i heard it but it's growing on me. could be good live.
I finally ate a good square breakfast this week.

And here's a friendly reminder to everyone!

And here's my dinner from two nights ago.

Close-up on the mushrooms and udonnn.

Close-up on the little onion, cucumber, carrot, tomato, lettuce salad thinggg.

The End. (Or is it just the beginning!?)

And last night!
This looks weird to me, even though I've seen this on vegetables before and know it's normal. It reminds me of a virus though, and I can imagine this going across human skin in a wonderous way.

Cooking star and stars.


My veggies! Onions, cucumbers, carrots, and bell peppers with kabocha (Japanese pumpkin) on top! I tried to keep the kabocha flavor without mixing it with the other vegetables, especially that nasty Mr. Onion, but maybe I'll try mixing it in more next time.

I was in the mood for something a little bit simpler with the udon. The clean, refreshing taste was nice.

Man, I think I could just eat tofu out of the pack straight. And I have. But I think I could do it again...if I wanted to.
I will now construct my dinner for tonight! Using mostly the same ingredients, haha! And then I will get some well-needed sleep. I hope everyone out there is doing just fine or better. Ooo, I kind of miss going back to Pomona at this time. I thought of Marston Quad suddenly.
Whoa, lightning just went off in the sky up outside my window. I thought I had heard it thundering but hadn't seen any rain or lightning yet. Cool. Maybe more rain!! Oh wait, I want to go to a festival tomorrow. Maybe more rain until 6pm tomorrow night but it'll still be overcast!
YOLZ IN THE SKY you say? Reminds me of Mika Miko, GOOD SHIT HAN MAN. Now you GO to Osaka, there's nothing stopping you except the will to act. That, and money, time, and maybe gravity. I don't know if you can defy gravity or not, I don't know you that well.
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