Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Oh yeah, and I guess blogger fails at having a "currently reading/listening section" so Imma try to keep that updated on my ooowwn.

Since I've been in Japan I've been listening to a LOT of:

Deerhunter, especially Microcastles, the new albumoohhh my gosh, I love this album, especially "Never Stops" and "Twilight at Lake Carbon."

Mono, mostly "You Are There," apparently their latest album although before I thought that what turned out to be their second album definitely seemed more developed, and "Gone," a collection of singles.

Alejandro, and now Chente, Fernandez - these mountains have now heard most likely their first gritos at high volume while driving home at night.

Some Gellers, but that was more earlier.

I listened to a LOT of Grizzly Bear early on, especially when homesickness and the "why the hell did I decide to let myself be placed in the middle of nowhere" blues were hitting me hard. Deerhunter became my transition-happy music.

I'm also re-reading Race and Politics in the Dominican Republic. I only realized how insanely related that work is to my thesis idea from last year and how I could have used it awesomely as a kind of base. Meh, okay. I'm getting a lot more out of the book this time around.

Also, much Thee Midniters and Sedillo Bros. Band, although the latter was more earlier on. Wrote my last post listening mostly to Chico. Good stuff.

That sounds about right. I'll say goodbye now listening to Au, The Waltz.

1 comment:

Carey said...

Wow I still have no idea where you find all this stuff!