Monday, June 29, 2009


I just had an awesome idea for a year plan that would lead up to studying something really cool in grad school!

Problem is it involves staying in Japan teaching English another year...

And I just looked on my prefecture's JET message board and saw a message from a new 2009 teacher moving to a "small inaka-esque town called Shisou" and froze. There are only two people leaving my town, Shisou, this year so...The Board of Education hasn't given me any contact info yet, weird, uncomfortable feelings. This is starting to look like an unreversable thing.

Well, I suppose sometimes the best ideas don't come until it's too late? That's not a very good lesson of the story...Maybe, think on ideas that hit you as exciting in depth when you first get them?...Maybe there is no lesson to be learned, but just life to live.

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