Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh My!

Oh my! I've been out of the cooking game for too long! I forgot how fun and delicious it is! My return started with some salmon a few days ago. I felt simultaneous regret for willingly cooking meat for the fourth time and getting used to it, but at the same time excitement to try cooking fish for the first time (not including shrimp)! That was good, and I enjoyed two delicious rice and salmon breakfasts. I think the meat might have already been cooked or something though, cuz I pretty much just cooked it on the frying pan and it changed color without really changing consistency or going from semi-translucent to not. Tonight, though, I bought some definitely raw flatfish from the Tuesday super sale at the market! I put some onions and carrots in the frying pan cuz that's what I had around, slapped that fish on, and made the perfect mixture of shoyu (soy sauce), mirin (sweet cooking alcohol?), and dashi (Japanese stock) (by eye!!) in which to cook it all. I was a little taken back by how quickly the fish fell apart and I eventually gave up on keeping it in steak form. In the end, though, I got a delicious, fluffy combination of flatfish, carrots, and onions on a steaming bed of white rice with mixed in grains. Mmm, I scarfed that dinner down so fast. And it cost almost nothing! The fish was probably about 2 dollars, the carrots in bought a couple days ago for five for a dollar, and the onions, geez, I've had those for forever, haha. This boost in cooking at home comes from me not feeling like I have enough money to allow me luxuries like going out for dinner every night anymore, PLUS my new resolve to get out across this country while I'm still here and go see the place I've been longing to explore for a long time: Nagoya! I've got to save that money if I'm gonna make the most out of my trip there. We'll see what I can do! Here I come, future adventures in cooking and city-traveling!

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