Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time Sense

At 7:00
ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) who took over for me after I left JET: Hey man, ready to go?
Me: Hey, sorry I just got a call from a friend who wants me to go over and pick something up from their place. It should probably take about 15 minutes or so...could we maybe push dinner back to 7...:25?
ALT: Haha, why not just 7:30? 7:25's such a specific time.
Me: Alright, cool then, 7:30.

At 7:10, over the phone
Me: Hey man, I just got finished so I can meet whenever you want.
ALT: Okay, you wanna leave now then to go pick up the other person who's coming?
Me: Hm, well maybe we should give her more time since we told her 7:30 earlier. Should I come down to your room about 7:25 then?
ALT: Uh...why don't we just meet in the parking lot at 7:30.

My sense of time has changed majorly from what it was two years ago.