Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thoughts, thoughts

Such as...

Would I be happiest with the future job and goal of college teaching and researching?

If it was, I would have to find something I really want to study to get a PhD.

And maybe that's what MAs are for.

Maybe I don't have to know so definitely what I would want to study yet to plan on an MA after all. It's all a process after all, isn't it?

I have lots of ideas...some of them are disparate...unconnected...but only seemingly.

I made a list of professors to ask about grad school and research on identity, it's contsruction, and it's expression (through art) while going through Media Studies, History, Asian-American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Black Studies, Art and Art History, Sociology, Gender and Women's Studies, English, Psychology, and...maybe that's it department pages. Under what field name would my project be? Is there such a thing as "Identity Studies?" Not really, according to my Google search. ...don't really want the national boundaries...themed-based study of historical memory and how it affects and is affected by identity and it's expression...?

Now I'm just using this blog as a writing pad.


Anonymous said...

Now your getting it. Keep pondering and you will do what you need to do. Just remember what are the alternatives.


mushroom hands said...

yos yos yos. what is going on friend! i was like who is this phul (which is flower in hindi apparently) and saw writing about japanese food, i couldn't figure it out. but then i saw a duel between me here and andrew. and then i was like, totally in a buddha like state. peeaaaace man.