Monday, June 1, 2009


P.S. I'm listening to the new Grizzly Bear album and it

I was a little bit not expecting too much because I didn't really like the direction they moved in with their last EP, Friends. I thought they were moving too much towards rock and away from the psychadelic folkiness that made them so awesome up to now, especially with Yellow House. But no, that is not right at all. This album (at least up to the first two songs, haha) is like an awesome blend of 50s (R&B?) style chord patterns with the amazingly perfect (so perfect you didn't even know they could exist) harmonies, dull-headed and also eerily beautiful guitar parts, dumpty-dump snap-necking drums, and old Disney cartoon feel (in a darkly colored and somehow creepy in retrospect forest - creeping with long, slow legs hunter in one cell, a tall rabbit doing the same while stealing looks back in the next) that are so signature Grizzly Bear. At least to me. So, let's listen to this album everybody. Come all, let us enjoy this sound that was made for our ears!

Oh, this is how you put labels on posts.

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