Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I have never related to a song as much as I do to this one right now.

(The only entry I could find for it on Youtube was made of footage that's depressing and doesn't represent at all what the song is about to/for me, so if you want to listen to it, I'd recommend not watching the video, at least on the first time.)

Caminando, caminando
by Victor Jara

Caminando, caminando
voy buscando libertad,
ojalá encuentre camino
para seguir caminando.

Es difícil encontrar
en la sombra claridad
cuando el sol que nos alumbra
descolora la verdad.

Cuánto tiempo estoy llegando
desde cuándo me habré ido
cuánto tiempo caminando
desde cuándo caminando.
Caminando, caminando.

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