Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Damn, I feel so bad turning down salesmen in Japan sometimes. Just now, this guy was bowing down to me all the way past his waist and using all sorts of honorifics on me. Before I even really put up much resistance, he was begging me, "Please, please!" ("Onegaishimasu, onegaishimasu!") and his face was all twisted up looking like he was going to cry. That, alternating with bursts of fake laughter, jokes, and flattery, really made the whole experience pretty awkward. It really didn't seem like such a terrible deal (?) - three months of daily newspaper subscription for 90 bucks, with a 30 buck refund in market-convenience store gift certificates and some laundry detergent - but I just don't go for sudden offers without a chance to think it over. If I had just been thinking how much I need to get the newspaper maybe...

Oh yeah, and I forgot to include the cost of the check-up in my last post, so actually I ended up paying about 34 bucks to the doctors. On the other hand, I also actually received four different types of antibiotics and not just two. In any case, it was a way better deal than anything I've ever experienced in the U.S. Why do so many people immigrate to the U.S. and not Japan, again? (Or do they?)


Dan said...

omg, you too? Solicitors come to the Teacher's Office all the time and I can't really buy their stamps or 6 month deals on home-delivery roasted squid! Am sad =( they work so hard and they put themselves out there so much.

waldmart789 said...

Do you think they're trained to be like that, or is it their natural personality? Like the guy who is in our office RIGHT NOW passing out calendars I am pretty sure is ALWAYS like this and always has been and always will be........ He makes everybody feel bad because he is the meekest, politest little wisp of a man and he looks like you could just frown at him and he would crumble into a pile of dust and blow away somewhere.....

Popeye said...

lol, lol, lol, lol.

today i watched the disney channel movie "ice princess" and i cried. it's only the 3rd movie i've cried in.