Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Amelie, again

Amelie twice in one week. Haha, whoa. This movie is keeping me going right now. I'm going to take advice from it and just forget about all my "stratagems" and just go for things and do them as they come and as I feel them. Like Amelie, I can think of all the romantic, magical ways to say simple things I want, but as long as they only work in my head and I don't go through with the whole point of them in the first place, it doesn't get anyone anywhere. Perhaps this is how one melds one's way of life, by which the world is an idealized place where things just work out and people who are supposed to connect connect, to reality, where people suffer loneliness when they're alone, are happy when they're together, and cannot bridge the gap between the two by continuing on the way they always have. This could be a big change. They make a reference to Amelie getting a "reality check," and trying to ignore it, at one point in the movie. Perhaps this is mine, and I had better take it fully to heart right now.

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