Sunday, November 1, 2009


Oh yeah, I also really want to go to a Día de los muertos festival!!, but am pretty unsure about the chances of there being one even in the nearest big cities like Osaka, Kyoto, or Kobe. I really, really want to go. I never realized how much I was used to going to Self-Help Graphics every year in L.A. until last year, and this year I'm about to miss it again! Ah! Well, I've got the day of to see what I can find, if I just go straight to Osaka or something and look from there. But I have this work I have to get done for my new job, too...Oops, I forgot again!: living by yourself in another country is not easy!! Hahaha, well, good thing I reminded myself again.

Speaking of work, I saw a fireworks show from my new workplace over the weekend. It was really awesome because they launch the fireworks from really close to the school buildings, so everyone there was pretty much looking straight up and feeling the impact of the fireworks through the air at the same time as they heard and saw them explode. Cooool stuff. Good food. Good, fun, funny conversation. Met more interesting people. I should just write a book.

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